As much as I love delicate jewellery, I also have a thing for silver studs. (I wear my 1988 stud earrings every day and I still regret not keeping my studded belt from teenage days). My favourite luxury version of studded jewellery, the Hermès “Collier de chien” bracelet, turns my eyes into little hearts every time I see it. Unfortunately, it’s very pricy and there are always long waiting lists for it. … You can’t imagine (or maybe you can?) how happy I was when, one day, I saw the “Médor Twilly studs” online. They are designed to be worn with a Twilly silk scarf, but you can also wear them as a bracelet. The silver ones were sold out in Germany but a friend was so nice to get them for me in London. (Thank you!!!). You can see them worn as a bracelet here.