Favourite things in May


What can I say? May has been amazing! At the beginning of the month I spent three wonderful days in Zurich with my friend and colleague Lisa and we made so many discoveries – that city really is worth a visit in summer! I also got to spend a long weekend with my family, I enjoyed the garden filled with peonies and a rainbow of other flowers, ate tons of ice cream and felt like a school kid during the summer holidays.

And then May continued to bless us with nothing but sunshine and hot weather which makes Hamburg feel almost like the Mediterranean. It’s incredible! And now June, my favourite month of the year (my birthday month!) is just around the corner and I’m hoping for this run of luck to continue.

Here are some things that made May even better:



I am totally in love with Wald Berlin’s new jewellery collection – especially the Kauri shell pieces (but I’m dreaming of getting the “Drop it like it’s hot” necklace, too!). The colourful bead bracelet is by Anni Lu, which is always so amazing when it comes to summer jewellery! The bracelet on the right is a little souvenir I got on Bali.



I am absolutely obsessed with Lucy William’s travel posts (Shoutout to Lucy, I have been following her for years!) and when I saw her wearing this little beach dress by SIR the label I ordered it right away. I also treated myself to a bikini by Hunza G, which looks so pretty underneath this dress. The hair bow scrunchie is by Townhouse Zurich.



Let’s continue the sartorial celebration of summer! Meet my beautiful new bag by Muun! I actually saw it in a concept store in Zurich but didn’t buy it – and then I was luckily able to order it directly from the brand, because I couldn’t get it out of my head.

The other basket bags in the photo are from Mallorca and Bali. The net bag is by Mango (I currently cannot find it online but maybe it’s still avaible in the stores).




My quartz addiction continues. I bought myself a little rainbow quartz on Bali and I found the double terminated quartz (what a name) online (yes, I’m the person who searches for crystals on eBay). Both of them make me so happy for reasons I don’t understand.



When I returned from my Bali holiday, my face was looking so good and my nails were stronger than I’ve ever seen them. But a few weeks back in the daily grind and my face is back to irritations, impurities and tiredness … I am thinking about trying out a Microneedling treatment – do you have any experience with it?

What is definitely helping my face a lot is the “Magnetic Youth Mask” by Magicstripes, which I came across via Instagram. It actually leaves my skin visibly clearer, softer and overall improved. I’m hooked!



One of the reasons why May and June will always be my favourite months and something that never changes: I always feel like a child on Christmas when berry season arrives! This year I even remembered to make a strawberry punch, and I’m making a point of eating berries every day. I also learned that strawberries go very well with green asparagus and that they make a Caprese salad even better. Give it a try!

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